
Tips for Effective Studying While Social Distancing in Switzerland

Tips for Effective Studying While Social Distancing in Switzerland
Tips for Effective Studying While Social Distancing in Switzerland

Since the beginning of 2020, we all have had to face the situation of social distancing and the closure of international flights in a blink of an eye. This is a challenge for all of us, especially for expatriates and international students who are “stranded” in foreign countries.

Today, as we continue to witness new records in the number of coronavirus-infected cases because of the new virus variants, “work-from-home” and “study-from-home” are now new normal. In the education industry, all students are forced to study from their house. 

In this article, we would like to share with you how to effectively studying when you’re in a foreign country dealing with social distance.

How to study well in social distancing?

Being alone in a foreign country at this moment is a challenge. Especially we all have to stay at dorms or apartments most of the time during this time. Online learning can’t be as fun as face-to-face learning. Many students have had a hard time dealing with sudden changes in their routines and school life with regard to sudden changes. 

The sudden shift to online learning has a huge impact on the usual study schedule and routine. However, for those with a high determination to study, here are some ways for you to effectively learn during social distancing.

Create a comfortable studying space

Having a separate space just for studying is essential. You can create a learning environment where you want to spend your time doing it most effectively. You’d better prepare a comfortable desk, the best internet connection, and a study timer.

There are many of us who like to study in bed, or near the kitchen, but it is best to create a good habit for yourself: only study when sitting in your “productivity zone”. 

Moodle 2019’s online learning and training productivity study listed 6 mistakes when it comes to online learning, and the biggest mistake is assuming that online learning can be learned in bed.

Time management

A good time management skill not only helps you to maximize your efficiency but also to minimize the chance of procrastination.

First thing in the morning: plan how many tasks you will handle in a day. We encourage you to set up 3 goals per day and stick to them. Break your study into small chunks,  your whole learning and researching process will be easier.

In addition, you can apply the Pomodoro method to maximize your working time. This is a very popular method. One of the most common ways is to study for 25 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes, then repeat this process 3 times, then you can rest for 15 minutes. This method will help keep your brain from being overloaded.

Besides, online learning can be boring if you don’t have a clear learning goal for each lesson. To get the goals for each lesson, you can read them directly at the syllabus or preview the first pages of the lecture. Usually, instructors will tell you the learning objectives of the session right from the introduction.

Be focus when online learning

When sitting on the computer, there are a lot of temptations for learners. The chat frame can appear messages from friends, websites with more interesting entertainment information than lecture content, social networks, ,. all of these can be the reasons why you can’t concentrate.

It will be very difficult to focus on your learning if you don’t set limits and discipline for yourself. Most online training fails because the learner is in the online classroom but the screen and mind are “somewhere else”.

Find information online to supplement your knowledge before and after the class

In the classroom, you can ask the instructor whenever you have questions, however, at home, it’s different. But you can absolutely find the information you need online.

There are many accounts that provide information on youtube or google for each specific field, from basic to advanced. In addition, you can use apps that help you better understand math homework.

Searching for information online helps students get the gist and ask questions before they join the class. This assists students to be more active and interested in the lesson since they participate in the class and contribute to the lectures.

Advice for international students who are still in Switzerland

Being away from home during a time of global crisis is no easy feat. However, it’s important to stay motivated thanks to modern technology:

  • Stay in touch with family and friends online: Even if you can’t video chat every day, a text or two can make you feel less lonely.
  • Participate in online events during quarantine: While online events will lack real interaction; however, this can be a way to help you connect with the community you are in.
  • Make time for yourself: Don’t forget that you need your own space too. You don’t have to be available all the time for anyone and you don’t have to be learning and learning all the time.

Also, the COVID19 information portal in Switzerland is open 24/7, save their phone number just in case (+41 58 463 00 00).

For those planning to travel to Switzerland but have any symptoms like difficulty breathing, high temperature, or cough, or have any medical questions, contact (+41 (0) 58 464) 44 88).

If you are experiencing any anxiety or simply need someone to talk to, there is a German-language platform called Dure Schnufe ready to chat with you. There is also a telephone consultation service from Die Dargebotene Hand (143).

If you feel unsafe at home, you can contact Swiss Victims Support or call the police (117).

If you are looking for any scientific advice, you can contact The Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force. They are a national scientific advisory board established specifically for the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you need any state-specific information, you can contact the state websites.

Article Source: The Swiss Institute of Management and Innovation

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